U8 Spring Flag


Spring Flag Football - March-May 2025

U8  (Age 5-7) - FLAG FOOTBALL  

5 V 5 - athletes born 2020, 2019, 2018

Our CO-ED Flag Football teams practice footwork, eye-hand coordination, catching, throwing and overall technique during their practice times twice a week, and they test those skills competitively on weekend game days.  These athletes learn the fundamentals of football movement, terminology, routes and more while learning to work in unison in a team environment.  All our Flag divisions are designed to develop skills, provide a basic understanding of football terminology, and will allow players to expand their skills which also benefits athletes that are interested in moving into Tackle Football for the Fall season, as well as for those that prefer to continue to compete in Non-Contact Football.

Spring Flag season runs March-May. Practices will be twice a week with games on weekends. Practice schedule will be sent to registered athletes as it is confirmed. Game schedule to follow once released by the CDMFA.


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