Senior Female Tackle



6 on 6 - Tackle Format

(U16 - Players born 2011, 2010)

(U19 - Players born 2009, 2008, 2007)


*Teams will be combined if registration numbers are low. Registrants will be notified prior to combining programs.

While female athletes are always welcome to register for our Fall Tackle programs within their age division, once these kids reach the high school level, they are not always comfortable playing co-ed sports and sometimes, it's just not that simple. The goal of our Spring Senior Female Tackle Program is to ensure our female athletes have a safe, fun and team environment where our players can further their skills, their game knowledge and their fitness levels, while playing in a much more competitive place after their Bantam years, who may not be able to play high school football for a number of reasons. Athletes will be required to wear cleats or indoor running shoes for training as all other equipment is borrowed from the club for the season.

This spring season will start with a few CDMFA league wide combined camps at Foote Field in February, where the girls get to know each other as teammates and opponents, while working in different stations, with different coaches in drills to better assess their ability while learning multiple positions and football fundamentals. These combined camps are the best time to come out and try football, without any previous experience and do not require pre-enrollment or club registration. Practices will start in March with the regular season games beginning in April through June with the first ever Female Provincial Championship in Alberta!


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